
Christmas Fun for Pets

Christmas is just around the corner! While you're preparing holiday lists and checking them twice, ensure you've included your pooch on your list. There's little doubt that your furry friend has been so good this year. After all, what pup doesn't experience at least one incident with the postman and trash can? Your dog deserves inclusion in the holiday fun and there's an assortment of simple ways to do it. Doggie stockings are quite popular this time of year. There's stockings filled with an assortment of goodies for your pooch, from toys to treats. Stockings are sold at many pet stores with various fees according to the items inside. Your dog will love knowing he has his very own stocking! But, don't stop with just a stocking stuffer for your pet. You can help your four-legged friend unwrap an awesome gift with help from BarkBox, the monthly dog subscription service box. Click here to join Barkbox and your first box is on the house! Yes, you can snag a
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